Sunday, September 29, 2013


This scene is titled I Think I Saw A U.F.O.
The scene is akin to the Car Crash painting. I originally wanted to do another car crash scene where the driver's excuse for crashing was that he was distracted by a U.F.O. in the sky. The driver was driving drunk and could be using a U.F.O. as an excuse for the wreck, or perhaps he was so drunk that he believes he did truly see a U.F.O.
This theme has been altered to instead represent a celebration (hence the cake!) which itself is enough out of control that it convinces our subject that he, at some point, saw the U.F.O. and was even potentially abducted. It's all a real blur.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013


This lady is being told a secret by the uniformed figure on the right. In the background is another woman from the village who is suspiciously eves-dropping (far left)

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Saturday, September 7, 2013


A dead dog with her favorite toy.
My sister recently told me she will "...stick to drawing dogs and flowers..." after finding my one Anomoly painting to be disturbing. Well, inspiration comes in all forms and this new painting is of a dead dog. The dog is laid to rest with her stuffed toy and some flowers are placed on her. There are also some daisies growing there.

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20 x 16

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dog's head detail

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flower detail

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


This scene depicts a miscalculation. The miscalculation could represent the patient's poor judgement which led him to the hospital (yes, that hospital looks like a terrible place)- or, the miscalculation could have been on part of the doctors that failed to keep him alive; or botched a surgery.
I think that one white rectangular thing is a medical chart of some kind, and the other black rectangle is a two-way mirror. Light on the ceiling. Gas tank at head of table. Oh, and there's another figure peaking through the curtain on the left.

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