Saturday, August 24, 2013


I think I am really going to title this one "Pervert In The Park"
On the right is a lady wearing a large and decorated hat. The pervert is sitting there being gross. I suppose that center line topped with spots is a tree of some sort.
This is another installment in my 'Anomoly' series. They are turning out to be pretty disturbingly funny.

 photo an114d_zpsa1e8f7bd.jpg

 photo an114a_zps1d2758e8.jpg

 photo an114c_zps259d3f98.jpg

 photo an114b_zps56e6e476.jpg

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes, i have seen these before. i couldn't pull it up in my memory at DickBlick, but i knew I had looked, i always look.
