Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I've extracted an element from an older piece to be the subject of this painting. Time slips away to now from then again...

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remember this guy?
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I recently realized (finally researched) what the checker board pattern is that I've been secretly fascinated with for the past year.
Photographic scales are, commonly, strips of black and white checkers that are placed against objects in field surveys to provide a sense of scale when the photos are later reviewed. For example, each segment of the strip may represent a centimeter or an inch. They are often used in archeology and forensics!
Every time I see one crop up on a random Google image search or tv program; the juxtaposition of the black and white graphic against the organic subject creates such an intense dynamic.
Last year I even tattooed myself based on an image of artifacts arranged next to a scale. Again, I randomly found the image online and I had no idea what I was seeing at the time. I thought I was looking at an artist's minimalist mixed media art!
Here is my latest piece: Higgins and FW acrylic ink on a cradled board with additional acrylic mediums.
I'm very excited to work with these visual elements a lot more.

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